Monday, September 10, 2007

How's Life?!

We all are whiners when it comes to thinking what really satisfies us. If ever you were asked the question "How's life?", you don't dare utter the cursed lines "Life's good", and if you do beware of the horror stricken faces staring at you with a sarcastic smile. You are comitting a crime by being happy .... oh! or better still by telling people that life's going just the way it should.
Like I met this female the other day ....... and she goes how's life, and I reply 'cool'. Prompt comes another question "How's work" and of course not knowing the consecuences I say "Couldn't be better!" I'm sure I haven't seen anyone so shocked that you were enjoying your work! I mean face it people, life could be much worse than it is right now ......... or better still you might not even have a life in a split second! Imagine the scene you are walking on a rainy day on the road and the tree giving you shelter quietly decides to share it's weight with you without making a sound ......... Well you would be thinking to yourself ( .... apart from the fact that you're dead!!) well there goes my life! And there I was sitting and mourning about it that very moment! Does it matter that your PM made you work on weekends, or that you teammates are the most nerdiest creatures you have ever met! Heck, it don't even matter how many people attend your funeral! You'll just be left asking could I have done better? And pop comes the answer ....... Of course you morone!!
But, we'll still live our lives by keeping in mind what HE said the other day or what SHE did and I did not like! Instead of going forward and actually talking it out we'll all be staring at God (whichever picture you believe is God) and saying why me! couldn't you make my life a little more beautiful?! Instead of actually being thankful to him and to the people around you! But be prepared for the question what did you do to make your life better ........ or worse what did you do to actually make something meaningful out of your precious life!
Life could much more beautiful than you think it is, only if you want it to be! Just look around the people around you and you'll realise maybe you're better off in more ways than one .......... which reminds me better solve that issue coming up in DEV, else life won't seem too nice tomorrow :)


taufeeq said...

very nicely article, Merwin
Our life is in our hands and we can make it more beautifull or worst by our attitude and efforts.

rohan_nog said...

Actually, as you get older, you realize that no amount of whining will improve anything! So, why whine!

Unknown said...

yea my life's great.That bloody bugger with the hot chick.He thinks he has a better life than me.i bet he is going to have a horrible breakup.heh.